IMPACT100 Sydney North


Our 2025 GRANTS will open in April.

Sign up to our newsletters for the latest information. For any grants queries please email 

Example of Application form (doc) | Example of application form (pdf)


IMPACT100 Sydney North gives at least one major grant of $100,000 each year. Our aim is to raise additional funds so we can also give smaller Impact Grants.  We give to non-profits and social enterprises working in the Greater Sydney region.

We look for projects that:

  • meet a compelling need
  • demonstrate high impact
  • make a measurable difference.


We invite applications from organisations assisting families, young people and children at risk. This encompasses key areas of need such as domestic and family violence, women’s shelters, refugees and asylum seekers, disability, homelessness, poverty, alcohol and substance abuse, mental health, etc. Requested funding may be to support your existing operations, or for a specific project to expand/improve your impact.

These are only examples, and are not intended to limit the scope of applications. Children, young people, women, parents, families can be at risk, in need and vulnerable in many ways.



Applications open – date TBD


Deadline for Applications – date TBD


Shortlisting to determine 8 Semi-finalists


Site visits to Semi-finalists and shortlisting to 4 Finalists


Preparation of presentations for 4 Finalists


Members vote for the recipient of our Primary Grant at our annual Grants Celebration (date TBD)


  • Each year we call for grant applications and ask our giving community to help spread the word. 
  • An assessment team made up of our members evaluates the applications, selecting 8 semi-finalists. Further information is requested if needed. This is not meant to be onerous but there are clear parameters including the size of the organisation, the impact and the sustainability of the grant. 
  • Applications are evaluated by researching and visiting applicants to arrive at 4 finalists, a process that is open to all members to particulate in. 
  • The selection of the semi-finalists and finalists is made at face-to-face or virtual meetings. All decisions are made collaboratively and by majority vote.
  • Information on the 4 finalists is sent to each IMPACT100 Sydney North member for review.
  • At the annual Grants Celebration in October/November finalists give a short presentation, after which members are invited to vote for their choice. The organisation with the most votes receives our $100,000 Primary Grant. Depending on funds raised, the other finalists receive smaller Impact Grants.


There are many benefits in applying for an IMPACT100 Sydney North grant.

  • Applicants may find new avenues of funding as a result of undergoing the review and selection process.
  • Members may chose to give separately to non-profits they learn about through IMPACT100 Sydney North.
  • Members might volunteer, give pro-bono advice and assist in various ways.
  • Our semi-finalists and finalists in particular benefit from raised public profiles, potentially attracting additional funding.
  • Any media coverage will also take these organisations to a wider audience.

Since launching in March 2017, our generous members have given over $1,200,000 in grants, inspiring significant additional donations and many ripple effects of generosity and kindness.


We want our grant money to target a specific need with specific measurable goals. It is expected the grant funds will be expended within 12-24 months.

  • IMPACT100 Sydney North has a Management Committee made up of donor members which calls for and reviews all applications and makes recommendations for funding to be approved by Australian Communities Foundation as Trustee.
  • We have a strong preference for organisations with an operating budget of under $6 million. Applications from organisations with an operating budget over this amount will be accepted at the discretion of the IMPACT100 Sydney North Management Committee.
  • Reasons for the rejection of proposals will not necessarily be given.
  • If your organisation is shortlisted by our members, you will be invited to provide additional information and host a virtual site visit, and if you are selected as a Finalist, give a presentation to our members.
  • Previous recipients of our Primary Grant ($100,000) are asked to wait 2 years before applying again, as are previous recipients of two or more smaller Impact Grants ($10,000 – $40,000). If you have only received one of our smaller Impact Grants, please apply again this year.


Funding will not be considered for the following expenditure:

  • debt reduction or operational deficits
  • religious organisations where the grant is intended for the principal benefit of the organisation’s own members or adherents, or where the grant is intended for inherently religious activities
  • legal expenses
  • general construction, capital campaign or renovation that is unrelated to the grant request
  • travel outside Australia.

Our guidelines continue to evolve and IMPACT100 Sydney North reserves the right to change its criteria without notice at any time.