IMPACT100 Sydney North

Your invitation to our 2020 Virtual Grants Celebration!


Aug 2020


Your invitation to our 2020 Virtual Grants Celebration!

Please join us on Thursday 20 August, 7.30-9.00pm, for our Virtual Grants Celebration when members vote for the recipients of our $50,000 and $20,000 special COVID-19 grants. You don’t need to be a member to register. There is much to learn from our Finalists, as well as seeing the impact our grants can make. The four ...

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Jun 2020


Announcing our 8 Semi-finalists

We are delighted to announce and congratulate our 8 Semi-finalists – Asylum Seekers Centre, Dandelion Support Network, Jesuit Refugee Service ‘JRS’ Australia, Lou’s Place, StreetWork-Turn Young Lives Around, Taldumande Youth Services, Weave Youth & Community Services – and are greatly looking forward ...

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Jun 2020


Recording of Impact LIVE

For the recording of our recent Impact LIVE  “How Technology is changing Philanthropy” see HERE.

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Jun 2020


IMPACT100 Sydney North LIVE

Tune in to our second IMPACT LIVE event on Tuesday 16 June 7-8pm as Andrew Hill (VP – NGO & Education, Salesforce), Joanne Jacobs (Co-CEO Disrupters Co) and Orlando Hayes (Co-founder ShoutOut) share their insights with Andrew Everingham (Founder Sydney Homeless Connect) and answer your online questions. New apps and ...

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Jun 2020


COVID-19 Applications closed

Over 60 not-for-profits have applied for our Special COVID-19 grants, which are now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied and to the many people who helped spread the word about our grants. Our Assessment Team now starts the difficult task of shortlisting. If you are an IMPACT100 Sydney North member and would like to […]

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May 2020


Special COVID-19 Grants

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, this year we are particularly focusing on assisting charities helping vulnerable people impacted by the pandemic. Please apply or help us spread the word. See our guidelines and application.  

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May 2020


ALUMNI UPDATE: Asylum Seekers Centre – how we can help

So many people and charities have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Here we highlight one of our charity alumni, Asylum Seekers Centre (ASC), and how we can help. Helene Do, ASC’s Head of Philanthropy and Partnerships, recently explained to us how the people seeking asylum have been left out of the government’s ...

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May 2020


2020 Grants now open with COVID-19 focus

After careful consideration, we have decided to modify our granting for this year in response to COVID-19. See our special guidelines and application form for 2020. Applications close on 1 June. PLEASE APPLY OR HELP US SPREAD THE WORD.

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Apr 2020


COVID-19 Message

The world is a very different place to just a few weeks ago. COVID-19 is now shaping all our decisions, and will continue to do so for some time to come. As individuals, we need to do our part by staying at home where possible, to save lives. As a giving community, more than ever […]

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