IMPACT100 Sydney North

Spotlighting the work of Wirringa Baiya and Gunawirra

Last night IMPACT100 Sydney North members were privileged hear Christine Robertson, Coordinator of Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Women’s Legal Centre, and Graham Toomey, CEO of Gunawirra share the work of their inspiring organisations and the difficult issues they are tackling. We had the added honour of Auntie Shirley giving the acknowledgement of country and sharing her story. It is hard to do justice to their warmth, generosity and wisdom, and the power of their words. It was an incredibly moving night.

When asked how we could all help, funding and in-kind assistance are needed, and to share the stories of Gunawirra and Wirringa Baiya. Christine had some practical requests – the offices needed painting and there is no hot water. Our members promptly offered suitable tradespeople and to cover the costs. A wonderful outcome of the evening, and we hope there will be other ways we can make a difference. Graham talked about putting heads and hearts together, a sentiment that sums up IMPACT100 Sydney North exactly.

Thank you to everyone who attended and a special welcome to our new members. Huge thanks to Jane Barnes for hosting the event, Andrew Everingham for doing such an amazing job facilitating the discussion and to our incredible management team.